In order facilitating the activities, the Foundation collaborates with various local institutions and central as the City borough of Tirana Municipality Kamėz, Vora municipality, the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, the State Social Service, Ministry of Health, Cross Albanian Red Institute of Blind Students, Institute of deaf students, the House of Elders Tirana, vocational centers for the teaching of foreign languages and computer counterpart institutions within and outside the country, shopping centers, and other institutions to cooperate with us to the nature of activities.
In the framework of this cooperation in the activities of the Foundation attended by representatives of local government, personalities of art, culture and science, politicians, representatives of diplomatic corps accredited in Tirana, as well as many friends and associates of the Foundation.
The Foundation has received many letters of thanks and appreciation from the local government institutions and civil society organizations, among which are: the Municipality of Kamza, Tirana Municipality Unit No. 11, Institute of deaf students, Institute of Blind Students “association” Unity National Old Age Pensioners’ National Center for Blood Transfusion etc.
Many personalities have praised the work of the Foundation through their records in the book of impressions of the Foundation and many institutions have expressed the highest consideration for the Foundation’s activities through letters or evidence offerings.